

Bamboo is one of the most amazingly versatile and sustainable building materials available. It grows remarkably fast and in a wide range of climates. It is exceedingly strong for its weight and can be used both structurally and as a finish material. The canes are beautiful when exposed and they can be cut in such a way as to be re-combined into useful products such as bamboo flooring. There is a long vernacular tradition to the use of bamboo in structures in many parts of the world, especially in more tropical climates, where it grows into larger diameter canes. One tricky aspect to the use of bamboo is in the joinery; since its strength comes from its integral structure, it cannot be joined with many of the traditional techniques used with wood. This is where the old ways of building with bamboo can be especially informative. I expect that the value of bamboo as a building material will only become more apparent as we move toward a time of wood scarcity and high costs of energy.

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The books shown below are arranged according to when they were published, with the most recent ones at the top. If you click on one of the images you will be taken to a page at Amazon.com where you can find out more about the book. If you end up buying one of them, greenhomebuilding.com will receive a small commission that will help cover the cost of maintaining this website. Thanks for your patronage.

americanbamboo.org The American Bamboo Society is primarily a horticultural organization, but our members have a general interest in promoting all of the uses of bamboo.

buildinggreen.com an article about bamboo flooring.

networkearth.org Bamboo Architecture and Construction with Oscar Hidalgo (an article).

bamboobroker.com sells canes and furniture.

bamboocompetition.com features the winners of a bamboo design competition.

flickr.com features lots of photos of the construction of some impressive schools made with bamboo.

porch.com Bamboo: A Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Plant for All Aspects of Living

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I specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the information on these pages. Neither I nor any of the advisor/consultants associated with this site will have liability for loss, damage, or injury, resulting from the use of any information found on this, or any other page at this site. Kelly Hart, Hartworks LLC.