
Financing Alternative Homes

Getting the money together to build a house can be an enormous challenge. The possibilities include saving up enough money over time, paying for it with earnings while doing the construction, or borrowing from friends, family or a bank, and then paying back the debt over time. All of these options have their pros and cons. Saving money is a good way, but it means postponing the pleasure of living in your dream home, and it can take a long time to save enough money. Paying as you build with income can be a lengthy project because not only are you limited by available resources, but you must work while trying to oversee the building. Borrowing money is likely the fastest way to be able to move in, but then you are committed to a lengthy (and costly) payback period.

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The books shown below are arranged according to when they were published, with the most recent ones at the top. If you click on one of the images you will be taken to a page at Amazon.com where you can find out more about the book. If you end up buying one of them, greenhomebuilding.com will receive a small commission that will help cover the cost of maintaining this website. Thanks for your patronage.

moneygeek.com an article about green mortages and how to make your home more energy efficient.

online.wsj.com This 2010 article discusses the difficulty in getting financing for alternative homes in the current mortgage market.

angieslist.com tax rebates and incentives for green home improvements.

consumersadvocate.org comparisons and reviews of popular home insurance companies.

mortgagecalculator.org The Homeowner's Guide to Energy Efficient Mortgages

livingtheoffgriddream.com We educate people on how to buy land without savings and build homesteads, retreat centers, regenerative farms or whatever is their desired lifestyle.

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I specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the information on these pages. Neither I nor any of the advisor/consultants associated with this site will have liability for loss, damage, or injury, resulting from the use of any information found on this, or any other page at this site. Kelly Hart, Hartworks LLC.