hosts at are Kelly and Rosana Hart. We are happy to be
able to provide you with the wide range of information
related to sustainable architecture and natural
building available at this site. As an example
of natural building, the image at the top is of the
earthbag house that served as our home in
Southern Colorado for many years. A description of how we built
it, with many pictures, can be found in the
natural building section, under earthbag building,
or you can click here.
Kelly has had a lifelong interest in building and has worked in construction professionally. Together, Kelly and Rosana operate Hartworks LLC, which produces video programs and publishes books and markets them. Our website describes many of the books and DVDs that we sell. One DVD that we produced is titled "A Sampler of Alternative Homes: Approaching Sustainable Architecture", which profiles numerous natural building methods and tours many homes and interviews the builders or owners. This program, along with one about building our house, called "Building with Bags" is available here at the Store
Kelly also hosts several other websites. Visit to see a wide range of ecological home plans for sale. explores in depth the many possibilities for building with earthbags. features regular blog posts all about natural building and sustainable architecture. describes a solar electric vehicle that Kelly built and drove around his community for many years.
We raised llamas and conducted hikes with the llamas on our 70 acre ranch near Ashland, Oregon in the 1970's. While there Rosana wrote two books: Living with Llamas: Tales from Juniper Ridge and Llamas for Love and Money. Recently Rosana launched another website to help preserve the legacy of her father who wrote science fiction under the pen name of Cordwainer Smith.
If you want to contact Kelly Hart, please send an email to: kellyhart AT (replace the AT with @ )
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Disclaimer Of Liability And Warranty
I specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the information on these pages. Neither I nor any of the advisor/consultants associated with this site will have liability for loss, damage, or injury, resulting from the use of any information found on this, or any other page at this site. Kelly Hart, Hartworks LLC.